
Redondo Beach

The City Council unanimously approved plans this week for a 38-unit motel on a vacant lot in the 2700 block of Artesia Boulevard. The three-story motel will be built in Spanish style with mission-tile roofs. . . . Several dozen parents persuaded the City Council to overrule a decision by the Recreation and Parks Department that denied their request for a new soccer field at Alta Vista Park. The field, to be used by first- and second-grade students who belong to the American Youth Soccer Organization, was considered a hazard by the department because it will be next to several oil derricks. The council agreed that a fence should be constructed around the derricks. . . . The City Council put off until next week a decision on whether the Sandcastle cooperative housing complex located on the Esplanade should be permitted to convert to condominiums. Representatives from the 96-unit cooperative have complained that they have been unable to sell their units because banks are reluctant to provide stock-cooperative loans. Several council members said they were reluctant to allow the conversion because the building does not meet the city’s condominium standards.
