
5 on Preservation Panel

The Glendale City Council has appointed five people to the new Glendale Historic Preservation Commission, which will recommend sites and buildings in the city that should be protected from development because of their historical significance.

Appointed Tuesday to three-year terms on the commission were Vonnie Rossman, a representative of the Glendale Historical Society; Jo Sayer Gudel, president of the Glendale Board of Realtors and Gary Tobian, a representative of the Glendale Building Industry Assn. Named to two-year terms were architect Claire Earl and community activist Linda Shahanian.

The commission was created by an emergency ordinance adopted by the council last week. Several historic buildings in the city, including the former Edgar D. Goode home at 119 N. Cedar St., are threatened by development.


The commission also will recommend to the council when to allow demolition or reconstruction of historic sites because of economic hardship to the property owner.
