
Elections in Mexico

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The elections in my country on July 7 were a national disgrace and therefore a national disaster.

How can you have fair and respectful elections when the government inflates artificially the voters registration lists by 20% to 30% with false voters?

How can you have fair and respectful elections when the government fills the voting urns previously with votes for their party?


How can you have fair and respectful elections when the opposition parties’ poll watchers, specifically of the National Action Party (PAN), are not authorized to be present, at the polls, by illegal and devious reasons?

How can you have fair and respectful elections when those poll watchers that were authorized for PAN when they were at the polls were thrown out by the authorities for no reason whatsoever?

How can you have fair and respectful elections when in other instances PAN’s poll watchers were supplanted by the government using the same names of the original PAN watchers but in reality were other persons?


How can you have fair and respectful elections when the voting places are closed, some even as early as 9 a.m., and many others before the official close of 7 p.m.?

How can you have fair and respectful elections when at the polls that were left open documents showing the results that by law should be given to each party represented were not given intentionally and illegally?

How can you have fair and respectful elections when the electoral package contained in each voting urn are substituted by new ones made by the government to show false victories in their favor?


These and other illegalities constitute institutional violence because it signifies that the authority who is responsible for clean elections does the opposite and executes electoral fraud.

President Miguel de la Madrid has not kept his word like he promised when he said that the elections would be clean.

In the state of Sonora PAN has requested that all the elections in this state be nullified and new ones be executed.

In the state of Nuevo Leon PAN has requested that 50% of the voting polls be nullified because of serious illegalities.

Either my country has democracy, which implies respect to the vote, or we have repression or authoritarianism, and this last executed by the president.

Now it is President Miguel de la Madrid’s turn to answer.


Mexicali, Baja California
