
‘The Fires of Creationism’

It is either a philosophical mistake or intellectual dishonesty to lump all creationists in with foes of evolution.

Unfortunately, fundamentalists have done a great disservice to both religion and science by an irrational attitude toward evolution. They foolishly fail to see that the Bible was never meant to be a book of science.

There are some creationists, and I’m one of them, who believe that the world or universe did not come into existence out of nothing. We do not dispute the possibility of evolution, but we assert that it is totally illogical that evolutionary processes came into being without, a First Cause--uncaused in itself, as Aristotle pointed out.


It’s really tragic that students, through faulty scientific teaching, are led to believe that the theory of evolution contradicts the necessity of a First Cause.

St. Augustine centuries ago pointed that evolution in no way diminishes the power of God. On the contrary, it proclaims the unsurpassed marvelous design of the Creator.


Canoga Park
