
Fullerton : Residents Express Fear of Losing Their Homes

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Residents worried that a preliminary land-use study will eventually lead to the razing of their homes plan to discuss the issue at a special meeting with city officials tonight.

Resident Paul Holder says that what the city calls “an economic study” actually is a blueprint that will allow developers to “walk in here and take our homes.”

The economic, marketing and land-use analysis of 685 acres surrounding the Fullerton Municipal Airport is expected to be completed by December, said Richard Forintos, project coordinator for Fullerton. The study is geared to assist city officials with future planning and development.


Although most of the site lies within Fullerton’s boundaries, part of it is in Buena Park.

Because the study area is considered “probably the slowest-growing land area in Fullerton,” the city hired a consulting firm to recommend the best uses for the land, Forintos said. The firm began its study in May.

“From our point of view, this is merely an economic study,” Forintos said Wednesday. In response to residents’ concern that the city could use its power of eminent domain to obtain private properties, Forintos said, “That’s not part of the game plan at this point in time.”

The meeting tonight between residents, city redevelopment agency officials and representatives of the consulting firm will begin at 7 p.m. at Pacific Drive Elementary School, 1501 W. Valencia Drive.
