
Cities Have Right Idea on Smoking

In March, the Laguna Beach City Council became the first governmental body in Orange County to regulate smoking citywide, in private as well as public places.

Last month, Newport Beach became the second city in the county to control smoking with an ordinance applying to private businesses and restaurants as well as public places.

Last week, the Irvine City Council asked for a draft of still a third smoking ordinance. And several other cities, including Orange, Brea, Costa Mesa and Tustin, have also shown some interest in controlling second-hand smoke.


We like the trend. We particularly admire the tougher approach that city councils, unlike the county Board of Supervisors, are taking by regulating private as well public places. The county board, in passing its weak ordinance covering the unincorporated areas, protected one group and left another at risk by backing away from regulating the private sector and limiting smoking restrictions to county buildings. It’s a poor approach that should be corrected.

There is ample medical evidence to support the need for smoking regulations throughout the community and for action by government to meet its responsibility to protect public health and safety. The county’s other 24 cities, and the county board, should follow the example set by Laguna Beach and Newport Beach.
