
Texas Contestant Wins 1985 Junior Miss Title

Associated Press

Valerie Lowrance, a 17-year-old from Seguin, Tex., was selected America’s 1985 Junior Miss on Friday after performing a song and dance number to the tune of “New York, New York” in the nationally televised contest.

Miss Lowrance was awarded a $25,000 scholarship to the college of her choice.

The first runner-up was Lona Williams, 17, of Rosemount, Minn., who won a $10,000 scholarship. Anna Whitesides, 17, of Newberry, S. C. was second runner-up and was given a $7,000 scholarship.

The other two finalists, who each received $5,000 scholarships, were Deidra Patterson, 17, of Biloxi Miss., and Terri Ivens, 18, of Reno, Nev.
