

Howard Jones is another hollow hero created by the MTV-led popularization of new-wave rock. Armed with a few melodic hooks, an arsenal of synthesizers and a penchant for dime-store philosophizing, the Englishman has captured the new young mainstream, whose members filled the Greek Theatre on Saturday to squeal and scream for Jones’ high-powered--but bland and mechanical--techno-schlock.

When he sat quietly at the piano and sang in a winsome, dusky voice that recalled Elton John’s, the red-satin-clad performer was pleasant enough. But this guy has a serious case of self-importance, and he spent most of the show delivering his overwrought and undernourished observations as if they were the wisdom of the ages. If things weren’t heavy-handed enough, Jones periodically trotted out a costumed mime/dancer to take the triteness level over the top. Jones will be at Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre on Tuesday.
