
Boy Mauled by Tiger Awarded Big Settlement

Times Staff Writer

A 5-year-old boy who was mauled by a tiger at Lion Country Safari has received a settlement that will pay him from $4 million to more than $20 million during his lifetime, the boy’s attorney revealed Friday.

Anthony Stopani was 2 years old when his mother brought him, his two brothers and others from their home in Upland to the animal park in Irvine on Oct. 23, 1982.

While they waited in the grandstands for an animal show to begin, a Siberian tiger broke loose from a cage, grabbed the child by the head and carried him about 50 feet to some brush, where it mauled him.


The boy’s skull was punctured, and he suffered permanent mild paralysis on his left side and scarring of his legs, arms and head, said his attorney, Herbert Hafif of Claremont.

The family has since moved to Westminster. “I’m pleased that my son is taken care of for the rest of his life,” said Carlos Stopani, the boy’s father.

The agreement with the park’s insurers provides for the immediate payment of $375,000 to the boy and $200,000 to his parents.


Larger Payments at 25

Anthony will initially receive a payment of $1,000 a month. The payment will gradually increase each year until he gets $20,000 a month by the time he is 55 or 60, Hafif said.

In addition, when the boy reaches 25, he will get lump-sum payments every five years that will start at $100,000 and increase by $50,000 each payment period until he receives $500,000 at age 65.

Payments are guaranteed for 20 years, by which time $4 million will have been paid. If he should die before then, the remaining portion of that amount would go to his heirs, the lawyer said.
