
Opinion: An Oprah Winfrey neighbor in California endorses Barack Obama

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And then there were 10.

Given our particular interest in all things California, we’ve double-checked and confirmed that that’s how many of the state’s 34 Democratic members of the U.S. House remain uncommitted in their party’s blistering presidential contest (no small matter since they’re all convention superdelegates).

The number was reduced from 11 with Rep. Lois Capps of Santa Barbara (right) declaring her allegiance to Barack Obama. Indeed, today Capps was one of three ‘supers’ coming out for Obama, even as the political world mulls how badly the latest contretemps sparked by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright damaged him.

The other two were Rep. Bruce Braley of Iowa and Rep. Baron Hill of Indiana (an especially interesting endorsement not only because of his state’s impending primary, but because he represents one of the nation’s most politically competitive districts.)


In their ever-so-tight race, Hillary Clinton countered with two new ‘supers’ -- Democratic National Committee member Luisette Cabanas of Puerto Rico and AFL-CIO leader Bill George of Pennsylvania.

The moves were in line with recent trends in the hand-to-hand combat for superdelegates: Obama does well among those who are elected officials, while Clinton benefits from her institutional support within party ranks.

Capps is one of those with strong ties to the Clintons. Her daughter, Laura, worked several years ...

in Bill Clinton’s White House (serving part of the time as a speechwriter). But that link was trumped by this one -- Laura recently wed Bill Burton, Obama’s national press secretary.

Personally, we wonder how much Capps was influenced by the fact that this campaign’s most famous fund-raising event -- Oprah Winfrey’s gala gathering at her vacation home in Montecito -- occurred within the congresswoman’s district.

Capps made no mention of that detail in her endorsement statement. She did say that her decision had not been an easy one and that she has ‘enormous respect’ for Clinton.


After praising Obama for his ‘proven judgment, his hopeful vision for America, and his unmatched ability to motivate millions of Americans eager for change,’ she added:

‘Simply put, he has made a call to the better angels of our nature. He is challenging us to lift ourselves out of the ugliness that increasingly consumes Washington, where the heat of your argument counts for more than the light it should bring.’

So here’s the current endorsement breakdown among the Democrats representing the Golden State in the House:



Mike Thompson (District 1, St. Helena); Doris Matsui (District 5, Sacramento); Lynn Woolsey (District 6, Petaluma); Ellen Tausher (District 10, Alamo); Jackie Speier(District 12, Burlingame); Dennis Cardoza (District 18, Atwater); Brad Sherman (District 27, Sherman Oaks); Hilda Solis (District 32, El Monte); Diane Watson (District 33, Los Angeles); Lucille Roybal-Allard (District 34, East Los Angeles); Maxine Waters (District 35, Los Angeles); Jane Harman (District 36, Venice); Laura Richardson (District 37, Long Beach); Grace Napolitano (District 38, Norwalk); Joe Baca (District 43, Rialto); Loretta Sanchez (District 47, Garden Grove).

* [UPDATE]: Lantos passed away on Feb. 11; Speier won a special election to replace him


George Miller (District 7, Martinez); Barbara Lee (District 9, Oakland); Anna Eshoo (District 14, Menlo Park); Zoe Lofgren (District 16, San Jose); Lois Capps (District 23, Santa Barbara); Adam Schiff (District 29, Burbank); Xavier Becerra (District 31, Los Angeles); Linda Sanchez (District 39, Lakewood).


Nancy Pelosi (District 8, San Francisco); Jerry McNerney (District 11, Pleasanton); Pete Stark (District 13, Fremont); Mike Honda, (District 15, San Jose); Sam Farr (District 17, Carmel); Jim Costa (District 20, Fresno); Howard Berman (District 28, Valley Village); Henry Waxman (District 30, Los Angeles); Bob Filner (District 51, Chula Vista); Susan Davis (District 53, San Diego).

-- Don Frederick
