
Mailbag: Free political speech, even by Trump, must be protected in O.C.

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Re. “Trouble at Trump rally prompts apology, criticism from Fair Board,” May 26: So let me see if I have this straight. First paragraph, Donald Trump might not be invited back. The rest of the story is about how the cops and geniuses on the Fair Board can’t handle large crowds.

There is no greater American freedom than the freedom of political speech. Please don’t say that’s not true. So, all of the state and county decision-makers can’t figure out how to provide a safe environment for our most basic of basic rights? Do I have your story straight so far?

How about this simple plan of action: Bring in smart planners, not the Fair Board amateurs; bring in however many police needed, from wherever. There is no shortage of law enforcement in Orange County. Make sure they are willing to arrest the thugs who damage any property. Need I remind you that property destruction is not a right?


This entire story is shameful. To try to blame the political candidate is wrong in so many ways it’s disgusting. It’s a sad day in America, when street thugs determine who can speak and who can’t. Everything about this story is exactly why Trump is gaining in popularity.

Lastly, your bias comes through mentioning that Trump still owes $24,000. What has that got to do with a story about the ineptitude of fairgrounds planners? You even admit he hasn’t been billed yet. I am sure you don’t even realize your prejudice is evident in this line.

Of all the places in America, Orange County should be a shining example of safety and freedom of speech, for all American politicians. That display of criminals destroying police cars made me feel ashamed to be an O.C. resident. This should be the lead story.

Bill Blakeney

Newport Beach

Make Newport Beach streets safer

As our community mourns the unspeakable tragedy last week of the little boy hit by a trash truck, we have to find ways to prevent this type of tragedy from happening again. We live on Fullerton Avenue. We have cars and trucks parked on 15th Street, making it impossible to see coming out of our alley. We have cars exceeding the speed limit daily, skateboarders in the middle of the street, people racing down our alley.

Why are there not stop signs on every street along 15th to slow down the traffic? Has a study been done regarding the traffic during the school year? Between the hours of 7:30and 8:05 a.m. and 1 and 3 p.m., all three schools get out. Coupled with the normal traffic in the neighborhood, it is nothing short of chaos.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach
