
Mailbag: Do not label those with different viewpoints as ‘haters’

At the City Council meeting on June 21, I was one of the speakers for affordable housing. I was not, and am not, a screamer nor a hater, as Mayor Pro Tem Jim Righeimer would imply regarding those who disagree with him. I spoke in a respectful manner, and this is exactly what I said:

“I am Sylvia Hatton, and a Costa Mesa resident. I want to express my feelings — my very strong feelings -- about affordable housing for the residents affected by the conversion of motels into high-density housing.

“I firmly believe that, as a society, we need to have affordable housing for those in the lower-income arena. We cannot expect people making minimum wage to move to San Bernadino, Riverside, or wherever, and commute to Costa Mesa for a job. Think of the travel time, the gas money and the important time away from family.


“The mission of the Affordable Housing Coalition is for Costa Mesa to assure that the lower-income employees whose services we welcome have housing that is affordable. Therefore, the council, the developers and some of us more fortunate must not deny affordable housing for those who serve us so well.

“Remember what I said the last time I spoke to you: Do unto others as they would like us to do. And, remember: lower income families are not druggies, pimps and prostitutes, as many have stereotyped them to be.”

Sadly, my message did not resonate with Mr. Righeimer or the other council members.

To all of you who disagree with me, please do not label me, or others who disagree with you, as screamers and haters. Name-calling is not nice, as we learned when we were children, and it is seldom productive in the long run.

Sylvia Hatton
Costa Mesa


No need for competing park measure

With respect to the article “Costa Mesa delays placing Fairview Park initiative on ballot; will draft competing measure”: Why not work with the Fairview Park Preservation Alliance (FPPA) group instead of wasting city resources and money drafting a new initiative? If the “Council is unanimously opposed to Fairview Park development,” why was more than $150,000 spent on a citywide parks study that includes inquiries about adding sports fields at Fairview?

There is no need to fight the initiative drafted by the FPPA or draft a competing measure. The FPPA initiative is very well written and basically requires the park be developed per the approved park master plan. End of story.

Larry Courter
Costa Mesa
