
Mailbag: Some verse about the characters on the Newport Pier

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The Newport Pier

It’s another day at the Newport Pier

It hasn’t rained in about a year

But there’s a storm coming

Graybeard stands on his bench

Yells at his woman, “get up you wench”

We best get running

He wears a patch on his left eye

Feet badly swollen, grotesquely dry

I gave him shoes once, he asked “what size?”

The storm pulls up to the base of the pier

To blast the remains of the week’s good cheer

Whiskey, wine, barf and beer

Two men wearing haz-mat suits

Pressurized nozzles blasting down to the roots

Graybeard nowhere to be seen, what a scene

It’s too early for the singer who owns the pier

He’s still at mom’s sleeping off good cheer

Whiskey, wine, barf and beer

It’s pretty much just Beatles songs

Out of key and the chords are wrong

He’s a real `Nowhere Man’

He’ll be here later with Graybeard and wench

Standing by Graybeard’s bench

Mumbling on about Gideon’s Bible

Steam blasted yuck fills the air

It’s time for me to get out of here

I’ll see the gang next year at the Newport Pier.

Michael Mulroy

Newport Beach


The DP 103 is outdated, unnecessary

What a way to start the new year with the reading of your silly and absurd DP 103 list. The list should go the way of your former feature of publishing the names of arrested, but not convicted, DUI drivers!

Bill Garrett

Newport Beach

