
LB United comes through in OT

LB United, a Laguna Beach AYSO girls’ Under-12 team, earned a hard-fought overtime victory Saturday against the Royal Pains.

The game, played in mud and rainy conditions, ended scoreless after regulation play. In the final seconds of overtime, undefeated LB United got the win when Lauren McDonnell pushed the ball hard into the net to compensate for the thickness of the mud.

With the win, LB United will represent Laguna Beach in the AYSO Regional playoffs in early-December.


LB United is: Nicole Davidson, Alex Wilson, Sidney Kimball, Lauren McDonnell, Madison Sinclair, Paige Pattillo, Amber Gourley, McCall Sorenson, Alden Kramer, Kate Kruger, Harper Dix, Rachel Kinney and coaches Joe Kramer and Don Pattillo.
