
Mailbag: What will they try to ban next?

It’s official: the Huntington Beach City Council has run amok. (“Council seeks to ban polystyrene packaging,” HB Independent, Oct. 24.)

And which modern convenience will they try to ban next? Cars? Cell phones? What’s worse, this council can’t even repeal the new 10-cent paper bag fee.

Until now, the price of groceries has included a bag — paper or plastic — but when the “free” bag goes away, we will get less for our money. And we will have to buy whatever bags we need.


What most residents don’t need is an extra expense. Nor do we need the hassle of carrying a tote bag around all day for groceries — and maybe soon for takeout food too.

Oh well. Maybe the new council we elect next year will be more rational and more progressive, in the sense of imposing fewer hardships on working families.

Therese Egrafed

Huntington Beach

[For the record, 8:42 a.m. Nov. 1: An earlier version of this letter incorrectly attributed the polystyrene ban story to the Coastline Pilot. Also, it referenced the Laguna Beach City Council when it was, in fact, the Huntington Beach City Council that discussed the ban.]
