
Letters to the Editor: Opposition is unfairly smearing Joy Brenner

Newport Beach City Council candidate Joy Brenner makes a comment during a forum at the Newport Beach Central Library.
(Photo by Don Leach / Daily Pilot)

I wonder where the opposition gets their information for their fear campaign against Newport Beach City Council candidate Joy Brenner. The support of sanctuary cities that they attribute to her is not only untrue but is edited out of context from an email she sent to council some time ago. She does not support sanctuary cities.

They label two local organizations that endorsed Brenner as “liberal,” as if liberal and evil are synonymous. I believe anyone in a free society can support whomever they want. Lastly, they are making a big brouhaha about Brenner’s small donations to a Democratic Political Action Committee, as if that makes a lifelong Republican subversive and undeserving of a non-partisan position. Rather than disagree on issues, they prefer to disregard the truth to smear another candidate.

Linda Watkins

Newport Beach


Repeal the gas tax increase

Have you ever noticed how efficiently the freeways move traffic when there is a holiday and the state employees do not have to drive to work? Vote yes on Proposition 6. Repeal the gas tax increase that the state imposed. The state lacks the ability to utilize funds effectively. The freeway system runs efficiently more than 75% of the time and better when the state employees are on paid holiday. The state has not maintained the current system. The state is using funds that could be used upgrade the infrastructure instead of widening freeways, creating more infrastructure for the state to ignore. Do not reward governmental inadequacies by giving the state more money to waste.


Conrad J. Kopec

Costa Mesa


Vote with climate change in mind

Climate change is a global problem but its impacts are local. Orange County beach communities stand to be among the biggest losers as rising sea levels will eventually wipe out our world-class beaches and harbor islands. The Nov. 6 midterm elections offer us the opportunity to replace climate-deniers, as well as politicians so beholden to fossil fuel interests that they cannot be counted on to become a part of the solution.

In my Congressional District, the 48th, the choice could not be clearer. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) unashamedly boasts of being a climate-denier. His opponent, Harley Rouda, calls climate change the most important issue facing humanity.

Bob Taylor

Newport Beach


Rohrabacher always invokes Reagan

Re. “Rohrabacher and Rouda say their piece in advance of election day” (Oct. 29): Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) artfully invokes the name of his old boss in his very first line. Rohrabacher’s been touting his ties to President Reagan throughout his career, but that does not convince me that Rohrabacher is in touch with the concerns of his contemporary constituents. Climate change, for example. Rohrabacher is a well-known denier. This in a coastal district? I call that terrifying.

Jean Ardell

Laguna Beach


Vote progressive, Huntington Beach

With the reorganization of the Daily Pilot a couple of years ago, it was widely assumed that Huntington Beach would have much less coverage of its civic affairs than its brethren, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, despite Surf City being bigger in population than both of them put together. With the political circuses going on in both of those cities this election year, this assumption was borne out in spades.

In Huntington Beach, there are four conservative incumbents running for reelection to the City Council. There are several younger, more progressive candidates challenging them. Voters have a clear choice in replacing at least half the incumbents. Dan Kalmick and Kim Carr should be two challengers ousting their conservative opponents. If you have not voted already, please vote on Tuesday. Our future depends upon it.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

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