
Letters to the Editor: The ‘Orange Curtain’ isn’t falling, but there are openings in it for qualified Democrats

Democrat Harley Rouda mingles with supporters during an election night party on Tuesday at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Spa.
(Barbara Davidson / Getty Images)

I have resided in this county for over 65 years, referred to by many as living behind the “Orange Curtain.” This because of its rock-ribbed conservative reputation and partisan control of offices up and down the political ladder, regardless of merit or commitment to fair representation of constituents.

Emblematic of this brand of politics was Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa), who was propped up in office for almost 30 years, largely without accomplishment or service to the communities he represented. Democrat Harley Rouda has torn that curtain with his likely defeat of Rohrabacher in the 48th Congressional District, despite a significant GOP registration advantage. Finally, a race was determined on the character, qualities and leadership abilities of the candidate without regard to party.

Orange County won’t be turning blue anytime soon, but the potential Rouda victory opens the door to elections decided on the strengths of the candidate rather than the party to which he or she belongs.


Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

Editor’s note: Preliminary results in the 48th Congressional District race favor Rouda but the election has not been certified.


Blue wave crashes in O.C., U.S.

Prior to Tuesday’s midterm elections, pundits were predicting a blue wave crashing down on Capitol Hill. For House Democrats, who rode the wave safely to shore, it’s time to get busy doing the people’s work.

For the Republicans, who were swept away by the wave’s undertow, you had a chance to reject the divisive, racially-charged, anti-immigration messages coming from the White House, but you didn’t. The president’s campaign finger-pointing may have done wonders for his ego, but it clearly was a disaster for the House GOP.

Denny Freidenrich

Laguna Beach

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