
Letters to the Editor: Koll Center will help Newport Beach meet future housing needs

I want to express my support for the Koll Center Residences, a housing village proposed up at the John Wayne airport area.

My support is mainly based on the fact that it will provide desperately needed new housing for Newport Beach without detracting from the character of our community’s neighborhoods. I’ve recently seen opposition letters about this project in the Daily Pilot saying it should not be built in Newport’s airport area, and I’d like to ask, “If not there, then where?”

Ginger Alker

Balboa Island

Stop saying yes to developers

I have no problem with adding residential or mixed-use development to the airport area, in proper, attractive neighborhoods, with open space, a retail food market and recreation.


Newport Beach is a suburban city, with many wonderful neighborhoods. We do not want to become urbanized by projects that do not belong here. It still boggles my mind that any residence type, so close to the airport, would qualify as “luxury.” And whatever happened to the need for low-income housing?

It is time for our city to honor the promises it made in the voter-approved 2006 General Plan and stop accommodating what major developers ask to build.

Nicole Reynolds

Irvine Terrace

Koll Center project is too dense for Newport

I don’t want this large, this massive, this tall, this dense a project anywhere in Newport Beach. If I only consider traffic, it’s too much. I believe most citizens of Newport Beach would say the same.

Jo Carol Hunter

Newport Beach

A challenge to Rohrabacher: Meet with constituents

My congressman, Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa), recently sent out negative campaign material against Republican Scott Baugh. While I am not advocating support for Baugh, I am advocating the rejection of Rohrabacher in the November election.

Rohrabacher punches below the belt, but refuses to be punched. He will not debate his opponents in public. Worse, he refuses to hold a face-to-face town meeting with his constituents, presumably because of the bad press he would receive from so many who are tired of his insistence on hiding from view and, well, frankly, who are just tired of him.

The Rev. Dr. Dennis Okholm

Costa Mesa

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