
Mailbag: It’s time for Costa Mesa to have a female mayor

Re. “Righeimer Wins Seat by 47 Votes,” (Nov. 19): We worked very hard to get candidate Jay Humphrey into office, and am so sorry he lost by only 47 votes. I guess we will just have to try harder next time.

The mayor has said his win is not a runaway but one that sends a message. I would think he would have gotten the message the speakers at all those council meetings, waiting through those long hours after the rules change, or the planning meetings, or those at the City Hall grounds last summer on the new developments were sending him. Obviously, he wasn’t listening.

Now he says the vote didn’t “give you a mandate to do whatever you are doing and continue to do.” Does this mean this increasing traffic and over-building will stop? No more charters.


Since the council will be choosing a new mayor for the next two years, perhaps the majority of three will break the male cycle by choosing one of the councilwomen. If voters think enough of them to elect them, surely they are capable of doing the job.

Dolores Minerich

Costa Mesa


Explain civic center room rental fee

I recently contacted the Newport Beach Civic Center to inquire about renting a room to use for one hour, day or night, for a self-defense class for about 30 real estate agents, all residents of the city.

I was told that for $350 an hour, at a minimum of two hours, the city might be able to work something out. I find $700 a bit steep, considering the many times I drive by the civic center and don’t normally see a whole lot going on. What exactly is our policy for residents to use our civic center?

It reminds me of when I was growing up and the family had that “living room” we were not allowed to use. I understand that the city cannot have an open-door policy for security and common-sense reasons, but I find this fee over the top.

If someone would like to break down the cost, I believe some of our residents would appreciate understanding the math.

Juli Hayden

Newport Beach


Mayor made me regret my vote

After reading that Mayor Jim Righeimer has objected to coats for the needy being dropped off at Costa Mesa Police Department headquarters, I am embarrassed to say I voted for him. What’s next? Toys for Tots?

Mike Dunn

Costa Mesa
