Commentary: Foley, Humphrey own stronger records than Bunyan
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This post has been corrected, as noted below.
A track record speaks louder than a thousand pretty words. The solid track records belong to City Council candidates Jay Humphrey and Katrina Foley, who each have more than a decade of public service.
I got to know Humphrey when my neighborhood had a problem, and although not on the council at the time, he was there to help us — he has never stopped actively supporting those positions which are so important to Costa Mesa residents now.
Foley, a former councilwoman now on the school board, became a hero to me when she put aside a family vacation and spent many hours on short notice to fight against the mayor’s first charter scheme in court. She did this successfully and pro bono.
The pretty words come from council candidate Chris Bunyan and his supporters (“Commentary: Bunyan would bring needed change to the council,” Oct. 21). Unlike Humphrey and Foley, who have been continuously active for years, demonstrating true commitment to Costa Mesa residents, Bunyan pops up and then disappears. His words sound good, but they’re just words.
We’ve been fooled before by people who sound terrific, but then we see their true agenda later, as we have seen with the current council majority, which sticks rigidly to its own goals without compromise or respect for opponents.
Should we gamble on the latest set of pretty words? I say no!
We should focus on electing council members who have proved that they work with all groups and people in the city, listening to the public and each other and not just a few special interests. That’s why I’m supporting Humphrey and Foley. Unlike the mayor, they will balance competing interests and find real solutions to our city’s problems.
Let’s rely on solid, sane track records, not just more pretty words.
TAMAR GOLDMANN lives in Costa Mesa.
For the record: An earlier version of this post incorrectly spelled the writer’s surname. The correct spelling is Goldmann.