
Commentary: Costa Mesa would be harmed by a city charter

Pensions, pensions, pensions. Isn’t it interesting that Costa Mesa is embroiled in political controversy that, in a microcosmic sense, reflects exactly what is going on throughout the nation?

The conflict is simple. Conservatives continue to misrepresent their motivations and misrepresent the facts.

For Robert Graham, a Costa Mesa parks and recreation commissioner, to claim that 80% of every annual fiscal dollar in this city is spent on pensions and other employee costs [Editor’s note: The actual figure is closer to 72% of the general fund] is simply ridiculous (“Commentary: Charter would give Costa Mesa autonomy from state,” Oct. 23).


He and the City Council majority are like other conservatives around the country. They claim that public employees won’t make concessions regarding pension reform, and that simply isn’t true. Public employees have made concessions and continue to do so.

In many states, conservatives are trying very hard to demean public employees’ retirement systems by saying they are the sole reason for budget shortfalls, but the facts paint a completely different picture. Conservatives, plain and simple, are trying to end the middle-class notion of a secure retirement.

I urge all Costa Mesa voters to look at the facts. In most civilized countries, the government provides a pension out of a sense of common decency and humanity — offering the guarantee that seniors won’t be homeless and starving. Our firefighters, police force and city employees deserve their pensions.

The real reason that Graham and others like him in city government want a charter is so that they can privatize city services. Don’t fall for it. Don’t let them take away our voices in the administration of this city.

A charter is the worst thing that could happen to Costa Mesa. With privatization comes profit — for someone, just not the city. Living in a charter city would give Costa Mesans no say in our city’s future.

Those who are fighting for a charter are not fighting for the benefit of the people of this city. I urge all to vote no on Measure O.

DIANA GARDINER lives in Costa Mesa.
