
Mailbag: Wendy Leece is the best choice for the water board

I urge voters to elect Wendy Leece to the Orange County Water District, Division 7.

During her two terms on the Costa Mesa City Council, Leece was prepared for meetings, and she listened to all sides of issues and voted for what she believed to be in the best interests of Costa Mesa residents.

She is well-spoken, has an excellent command of each issue and doesn’t give in to pressure politics. Her voting decisions come from careful thought. She has limited her donors to under $100 so that she won’t be beholden to larger donors.

Leece’s only opponent in this election is the incumbent, Shawn Dewane, who also currently is serving as first vice president of the Mesa Water District. That’s too much power in one man’s hands.


Diana Walker

Costa Mesa


Meetings are poorly run

I was terribly disappointed in the Costa Mesa council meeting Tuesday night. The meeting was a joke. It was poorly run and a waste of money.

To speak, visitors were supposed to submit a card 15 minutes before the meeting. People put in cards all night long, many times the same people over and over again. Very disgusting. Now I understand why people do not want to attend council meetings.

Joan Morrow

Costa Mesa


Reconsider voting for Ramos

Re. “Council candidate Ramos sues city contractor,” Sept. 30:

Oh, boy, just what the Costa Mesa City Council needs — a new member who shows himself to be litigious. With the “damage and shock to his mental and nervous system,” does he think he’ll be able to handle the stress and responsibilities of the council position?

Deborah Lucas

Newport Beach


Let’s change Costa Mesa council

Election time in Costa Mesa offers our community two main questions: Are these the best candidates we can come up with? And if we stay the course, do we really want to get stuck with the same authoritarian council majority that so many in our community are tired of?

Reelecting our mayor would most certainly guarantee more of the same, and

Costa Mesa can ill-afford that.

I suggest serious consideration be given to some new blood for Costa Mesa. The bad blood in our city has already clotted. No more of the old-boys council majority, and enough of the charter chatter.

James H. Bridges

Costa Mesa
