
From the Boathouse: A final salute to a sailing titan


Great weather for the weekend is ahead throughout Southern California. If you are going boating, then you can expect the daytime air temperatures will be in the low to mid-70s by Sunday, and the nighttime temperatures in the mid-50s.

Along the coast, the seas will build from midweek’s 2-foot swells to 4 feet from the west. The winds will be light in the mornings for sailing, but picking up to 10 knots in the afternoons with 1- to 2-foot wind waves.

The swells at Point Conception are going to be just under 10 feet in height this weekend with winds in the 25-knot range, so small craft advisories will be posted. This is not a good weather window for rounding the Point, especially uphill (northbound).


As always, keep an eye for any weather changes, but don’t expect any coastal fog in the mornings.


On a sad note, a legend in the sailing world passed away March 29. Hobie Alter was a pioneer in sailing with his Hobie Cats, which transformed boats from the traditional monohull design to the catamaran’s twin-hull concept.

How many readers remember sailing the Hobie 14 that did not have a jib, and you would work the rudders to tack or use a paddle to turn the boat? Santana winds were the best for the Hobie 16, but you would have abrasions on your knees and feet from sliding across the trampoline in the heavy winds.

I do not see many Hobies sailing in our harbors anymore, but there is a racing fleet at the Lake Arrowhead Yacht Club in the San Bernardino Mountains.

Sailing was changed forever with his twin-hull designed boats, and I first sailed on a Hobie 16 even before I held the tiller of a Sabot. Alter started his business with custom surfboards built at his first shop in Dana Point. Now, he is sailing a Hobie Cat in heaven.


J&D Acquisitions chairman and CEO Irwin Jacobs has announced that Rob Parmentier will lead the company for Carver and Marquis Yachts. Current president and CEO Robert VanGrunsven is retiring, and Parmentier — who has been president of J&D-owned Larson Boat Group since 2013, when he left as president of Sea Ray Boats — will take the helm.

Parmentier will continue to lead Larson Boat Group, and he assumes the additional responsibility of the Carver and Marquis line of yachts. Marquis Yachts is working with VanDutch Marine, Ltd. to build all of the boats at the Pulaski, Wis., factory.


Lastly, the Big Bear Pirate Ship that sank recently was refloated and hopefully will be repaired for the 2014 summer season. The Time Bandit that resembles a Spanish galleon went down to Davy Jones’ Locker while at her dock in February due to the weather.

Please be boat smart and boat safe. Be responsible and look behind you before you turn the wheel at the helm.

Safe voyages!

MIKE WHITEHEAD is a boating columnist for the Daily Pilot. Send marine-related thoughts and story suggestions to [email protected] or go to
