Mailbag: Make no mistake, I am running as an independent
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Recently yard signs have appeared throughout the city pairing my name with the name of another candidate. These signs make it seem as though we are running as a team. They are inaccurate and misleading.
Placement of these signs was neither authorized nor encouraged by me or my campaign. They are not consistent with my determination to run as an independent, non-partisan candidate. I have asked Village Laguna to remove them out of respect for both candidates, and in the interest of providing accurate information about my candidacy to Laguna Beach voters. However, Village Laguna is an independent political organization, and I cannot control what it chooses to do.
I appreciate the time and thought that any organization commits to evaluating my candidacy and understand the role it plays in educating its constituencies. However, the support of my candidacy by any organization only implies that it endorses what I stand for, not the other way around.
I remain deeply committed to serving Laguna Beach in a transparent and inclusive manner. I have always been a political independent and am not running as part of any coalition or in coordination with any other candidate or group.
Before I cast a vote, I promise I will gather as many facts as possible and listen to all sides before acting in the best interest of all of our residents. That’s how I’ve acted for the past 13 years as a planning commissioner, and that’s how I will continue to act on the City Council. I look forward to working collegially and productively for the residents of Laguna Beach with all of my potential fellow council members.
Robert M. Zur Schmiede
Laguna Beach
The writer is a candidate for City Council.
Before you bash them, show up to meetings
I have noticed a recent trend among local pundits to bash the Arts Commission. I am writing this letter to remind people that the Arts Commission holds public meetings at 5:30 p.m. every second and fourth Monday of the month at the City Council chambers. Public comment is not only invited, it is solicited.
I have been attending these meetings for the last couple of years. Frequently I am the only member of the public present. So if you don’t like what’s been going on, please show up. It’s more effective than complaining.
Chloe Echternacht
Laguna Beach
Village Laguna acts with honor
It’s a wonderful life — a cliché that most of us who live in Laguna Beach happily subscribe to. It’s on the new Village Laguna sign endorsing its favored City Council candidates.
I’ve heard questionable motives and actions attributed to Village Laguna that amaze me. I’m now on my second term as a VL board member, and I have to say that I’ve never met a more principled group of people in my life. Members have values that have nothing to do with their livelihoods and everything to do with their love for Laguna Beach.
Village Laguna works tirelessly for what’s best for our town — and has been doing this for years. Without it, our coastline would now be marred by a string of high rises obscuring precious views. We want to preserve the village atmosphere that makes Laguna so prized by all — which, by the way, corresponds to ensuring future tourism and the viability of our businesses.
We all have a right — and even a duty — to fight the battles our own values require us to fight, but let’s acknowledge that our opponents have their own values and not demonize them for not agreeing with us on every issue. (And I do address this to all sides.)
The less heat generated during these battles, the less paranoia, personal invective and demonization, the easier it will be to negotiate positive action that will make living in a future Laguna an even more wonderful life.
Rosemary Boyd
Laguna Beach
GOP event was a success
On behalf of Laguna Beach Republicans, we want to thank those local residents who came out Saturday for a celebration at the LB GOP 2014 Voter Education Headquarters, located in the “Big Pink” building on Laguna Canyon Road.
After festivities ended, and the crowd thinned out, we fed some motorists who took a break from the gridlock traffic in the heart of our canyon, along with a crew on break from working at the car detailers. We also delivered food that was still wrapped and untouched down to the Laguna Food Pantry for those among us most in need. It was a day well spent celebrating life in our town.
A crowd of more than 60 invited guests at the opening ceremony got a granular briefing from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa), fresh from a phone call in the parking lot with his staff in Washington, D.C., on negotiations between Congress and the White House on the renewed terrorist threat in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Hearing the inside story on American options from Rohrabacher, chairman of the Subcommittee on Europe and Emerging Threats in the U.S. House of Representatives, was both sobering and inspirational.
We also were honored to have Laguna resident Neel Kashkari, GOP candidate for governor, give us an update on his campaign, along with candidates for state Assembly and O.C. Board of Supervisors. But the highlight of the local campaign was hearing from local City Council candidate Michele Hall and school board candidates Dee Perry and Annette Gibson.
Thanks to KX 93.5 FM for broadcasting interviews with our speakers and candidates from the event. LB GOP went live on radio and invited independents and Democrats to come by for the afternoon fiesta, and several did just that. By the end of a hot Saturday, we had more than 150 people stop by, including one of our local GOP heroes, former City Councilwoman Cheryl Kinsman.
Thank you, Laguna Beach, and in high spirits of civic responsibility, let the debate begin!
Howard Hills
Laguna Beach
The writer is president of the Laguna Beach Republicans.
Do not house homeless in the canyon
Many of the homeless are physically or mentally challenged, and Laguna Beach has facilities for them (the Alternate Sleeping Location and The Friendship Shelter). Yet additional county, state and federal support is needed. I support private enterprise accommodations for the homeless, only with adequate provision for public safety.
I oppose additional homeless facilities in Laguna Canyon. Such operations would be incompatible with its rural character. Proposals for a permanent supportive housing apartment house near the Marine Mammal Institute should be refused. We must not jeopardize those already compromised by placing them in harm’s way — in a natural disaster-prone area remote from emergency, police, health and other community services.
Like most Lagunans, I wish to demonstrate ongoing compassion for the plight of others. However, our attempts to help people must not expose Laguna to the risk of becoming a “homeless magnet.”
We must work with other regional municipalities and with governmental aid at minimal compromise to local rule.
Paul Merritt
Laguna Beach
The writer is a candidate for City Council.
Zur Schmiede is man for the job
City Council candidate Robert M. Zur Schmiede and I served for five years on the city’s Design Review Task Force. Our task was to determine the causes of all the contentiousness surrounding the Design Review Board process at that time, and to recommend ways to rectify the situation.
It was a long, arduous, and I’m happy to say, quite successful process, with the council adopting 29 or our 30 recommendations. During those many hours of committee and community meetings, I had the opportunity to observe Zur Schmiede in action.
Based on that, I know what a valuable addition he would be to our council. His expertise and experience in running municipalities and dealing with relevant outside agencies, along with his 13 years as a planning commissioner for Laguna Beach, give him unmatched credentials that perfectly suit him for the work of the Laguna Beach City Council. No other candidate can compete on that score.
Just as impressive as Zur Schmiede’s technical skills is his ability to work with people. He is masterful at promoting cooperation and helping community stakeholders reach necessary compromises. Anyone who knows him will back me up in saying that he has a reputation as a thoughtful, measured, non-partisan, fair, yet decisive individual. When Zur Schmiede offers his thoughts, all sides listen because all sides respect his abilities and appreciate his concerned, balanced style.
We all love Laguna and I am truly thrilled that we have the chance to elect a man of Zur Schmiede’s caliber to our City Council.
Marion Jacobs
Laguna Beach