
Mailbag: Freed brown pelicans call to mind an astronaut’s aphorism

Volunteers open the enclosures holding brown pelicans who fly away from the Corona del Mar State Beach.
Volunteers open the enclosures holding brown pelicans who fly away from the Corona del Mar State Beach breakwater path on June 17.
(Don Leach / Staff Photographer)
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After a recuperating stay at the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center in Huntington Beach from a mass stranding event that occurred along the Southern California coastline, 12 brown pelicans were set free at Corona del Mar State Beach. The pelicans suffering from low body temperatures, dehydration, emaciation and parasites seemed to casually thank their healers then flew off into the blue sky. The article written by Times Daily Pilot journalist Lilly Nguyen begins with a touch of Neil Armstrong: “It’s one small step for pelican, one giant leap for pelican-kind.” As the pelicans flew off over the water, the head pelican guy was probably muttering to himself with another similar Armstrong aphorism of, “Gliders, sail planes, they’re wonderful flying machines. It’s the closest you can come to being a bird, except of course if you happen to be birds like me and my 11 buddies here looking down on you human minions.” And as the pelicans gained altitude in their maiden flight from the Care Center, the head pelican guy could be heard with, “Thanks for the liberty, Mr. Roberts.”

Bill Spitalnick
Newport Beach

Grads have proven their mettle

Congratulations to the Daily Pilot for focusing on all the graduates from our local high schools. These grads had to navigate through the pandemic, working virtually on computers to accomplish the requirements normally gained through standard attendance. These turbulent times have ingrained these students with the strength to carry them into their future goals. They will be able to recount their experiences in the same manner as graduates from the Great Depression or during WWII. They have accomplished much to help them become tomorrow’s leaders.

Richard C. Armendariz
Huntington Beach

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