
Rules for submitting to online calendar

Our calendar listings can be accessed from the Daily Pilot home page, as well as Submissions can also be made on our Facebook page.

Readers will notice a “submit event” button on all of those pages. If clicked, a box will pop up, allowing people to type in all information pertinent to the event, as well as upload an image to accompany it. **Important: If you don’t see the submit button on the pop-up box, hit “enter” on your keyboard when all the fields have been filled out. Or, try posting through the Facebook page. This is a known glitch that some users are experiencing, and we are working on getting it fixed.**

Fields that must be filled out include: event title, start and end date, start and end time, description, and a full street address (including the city). Please do not check the “all day” button if it does not, in fact, go all day. Choosing a specific start and end time will be more helpful to readers. If the event repeats weekly or daily for a certain stretch of time, please make this clear under the “repeat” option.


There is a 50-character limit on the title of the event, so keep the titles brief so they don’t get cut off. Please do not paste in an entire press release. The description should be one to three short sentences explaining the event.

Once submitted, the listing will go to Daily Pilot staff to review and approve. The listing will not show up instantly, so don’t worry if you don’t see it online right away.

We reserve the right to edit or delete any listing that doesn’t fit our guidelines.

We ask that readers keep the subject matter tasteful and relevant only to our coverage areas: Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Irvine. Any events taking place outside those cities will not be approved.

We may also not approve events or classes that run for long periods of time. This calendar is mostly intended for one-time or ongoing weekly events.

Any questions or comments about the new system can be directed to Editor John Canalis at (714) 966-4607 or [email protected].
