
Boardman leads in campaign funds

Connie Boardman, the former mayor of Huntington Beach and a latecomer to this year’s City Council race, led all candidates in outside funds raised during the last quarter with $17,614.

Barbara Delgleize, the planning commissioner making her first run for council, came in second with $16,529 in contributions from July 1 to Sept. 30. William “Billy” O’Connell, the executive director of the nonprofit Colette’s Children’s Home, technically posted the highest fundraising total with $19,345. but nearly all of that came from $14,000 that O’Connell donated to his own campaign.

Fellow Planning Commissioner Fred Speaker came in third behind Boardman and Delgleize with $14,947 raised in the third quarter, followed by Huntington Beach Union High School District Trustee Matthew Harper with $14,371 and incumbent Joe Carchio with $9,805.


—Michael Miller
