
Elderly couple’s deaths ruled a murder-suicide

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Police have closed an investigation into the death of an elderly Huntington Beach couple that appears to be a murder-suicide.

Officials found the bodies of Ronald Otto Jurs, 79, and his wife, Berit Jurs, 80, in a car Sunday with a bullet in each head, said police Lt. Russell Reinhart.

Police determined that Ronald Otto Jurs shot his wife through the head with a handgun and then shot himself in the head.


It appears from the police investigation that the two were suffering from severe medical conditions that caused them to take their lives, Reinhart said.

Police were called about 9:55 p.m. Sunday by the couple’s relatives to check on them in their house in the 17200 block of Lynn Lane.

Officers received no response when they arrived at the house and had to kick in the door to get inside.

They found a suicide note, an empty gun case and the car missing, but not the Jurses.

Officers located the missing gold Nissan Station Wagon in a shopping center at Goldenwest Street and Yorktown Avenue. Ronald Otto Jurs was dead in the driver’s seat and his wife was next to him in the front passenger seat.

There were no witnesses, and police have closed the investigation.

Britney Barnes
