
John J. Collins

Name: John J. Collins

Age: 66

Birth place: Boston

How long have you lived in Fountain Valley? 37 years

Occupation: retired child abuse prevention specialist

Education: bachelor’s degree in economics from Northeastern University

Previously elected or appointed positions: Fountain Valley City Council 1990-2010, mayor 1993-94, 1997, 1998-99, 2002-03, 2007-08; Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors 1984-90; County Sanitation District of Orange County Board of Directors 2002-04, Joint Board of Directors chairman 1996-98; Orange County Council of Governments Board of Directors 1997-99; Business Opportunity Council of California Board of Directors 1998-99, president and chairman of the board 1998-99; chairman Fountain Valley Agency for Community Development 1993-94, 1997, 1998-99, 2002-03, 2007-08; chairman Fountain Valley Financing Authority 2003, 2007-08; Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency Executive Committee 2008-09; Orange County representative to California Water Task Force 2009, California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Board of Directors 2001-10

Community organizations you belong to: Boys & Girls Club of Huntington Valley Board of Directors 1984-87 and 2007-10, Board of Governors 1987-2010; Fountain Valley Educational Foundation Board of Directors 1990-2000; Southwest Community Center Board of Directors (1990-2010), president and chairman of the board 1997-2010; Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9557, trustee, lifetime member 1989-2009; Fountain Valley Regional Hospital Governing Board 2006-10; Omni Service Club 1986-2001; American Cancer Society West Orange County Board of Directors 1994-2002; Thomas House Advisory Board of Directors 1994-2002; Knights of Columbus 1991-2010; Fountain Valley friends of the Library 1988-2010; Fountain Valley Historical Society 2000-10; Orange County Children and Family Commission - Technical Advisory Committee 2000-10; Childhelp USA, Child Abuse Prevention Program Coordinator 1997-2006; Children’s Bureau Foundation, Orange County Division Board of Directors 2009-10; Orange County Cancer Education & Research Foundation Board of Directors 1997-2008; California Elwyn Inc. Business Advisory Council 1998-2010

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Fountain Valley right now? Fountain Valley, along with every California city, faces its most crucial challenge in recent memory -- fiscal stability. We need to continue to balance our budget, control expenses, streamline operations while maintaining sufficient reserves for emergencies.


What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got right and why would you have supported it? The council made several meaningful decisions that will help Fountain Valley overcome the fiscal challenges presented by today’s economy and continue to provide critical public safety programs for our citizens (66% of our budget goes to fund public safety). We have reorganized operations in several areas. We have re-negotiated labor agreements that will provide long term savings. We have contracted with some outside agencies to reduce cost while maintaining a high level of service.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently? Out of the many decisions that the council made last year I cannot honestly think of one that I would have to say was wrong. We are a fiscally conservative, and forward-thinking council, and because of our decisions over the years Fountain Valley is in a much better position than most other cities dealing with today’s economic challanges.
