
Briefly In Education

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Educators’ Wall Dedication

Nearly 50 retirees attended the School District’s Educator’s Wall Dedication, which last week recognized the service of 216 retired certificated and classified staff members who have dedicated at least 10 years to education.

The district’s 75-year history continues to be honored, following the implementation last year of the Wall of Honor, which commemorated the 288 Laguna Beach High School graduates and staff who served in the military.

The project inspired the creation of the Educators’ Wall, which reflects the names of teachers and staff as far back as 1963, and is located in front of the district’s office, 550 Blumont St.


Names for the project were obtained from old yearbooks, memories of former retirees, handwritten and electronic records by dedicated members of the district’s faculty and staff.

Boys and girls get an Even Start

Twenty-five local families recently gathered to celebrate as their children finished their school year at the Even Start Club Preschool at the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach.

Ten of the graduates will attend El Morro in the fall, and three will go to Top of the World Elementary.

Even Start program is a free preschool for 3- and 4-year old children from qualifying low-income families living in Laguna Beach and surrounding communities.

“These children are our future’s most precious resource. Our preschool graduation ceremony is one of my most favorite days of the year. Both the children and their parents beam with such pride of accomplishment. I feel honored to be part of an outstanding team that helps them learn and grow and blossom in their first academic experience,” said Pamela Estes, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach.

[Underage drinking task force action

As part of the South Orange County Underage Drinking Task Force, youth from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Laguna Beach participated in a collaborative community prevention activity called Sticker Shock on June 16. Two businesses in Laguna Beach that sell alcoholic beverages, Broadway Liquor and Stop & Go, agreed to participate.

Club members visited outlets and placed stickers with prevention messages on alcohol multi‐packs, reminding purchasers it is illegal to provide alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age. In addition, the “Minor Drinking – Major Problems” campaign message was displayed on stickers, refrigerator window clings, and cash register penny trays that were given to each store.

“I commend these two establishments for participating in this youth activity to prevent and reduce underage drinking in the City of Laguna Beach. Many thanks go out to the youth from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Laguna Beach that are invested in reducing underage drinking in their community,” said Mary Beth Griffin, executive director of Mothers Against Drunk Driving — Orange County.

Golf Tournament will benefit Boys and Girls Club

The Laguna Hackers will host their the 10th Annual Bob Margolis Memorial Golf Tournament at 9:30 a.m. on Monday at Bella Collina Towne and Gold Club, 200 Avenida La Pata in San Clemente.

Shotgun start is at noon. A silent auction and raffle will take place before dinner at 5:30 p.m.

For $110, each player will enjoy a great dinner and awards. Player signups, $250 tee sponsorships and silent auction tax deductible donations are also available and welcome.

The Hackers are an eclectic group loosely centered on the real estate industry who play a different course every Thursday and negotiate discounted green fees by bringing 20 to 36 players weekly to the course of their choosing.

They are always looking for new Hackers and their old lost balls.

The yearly donation to the Boys & Girls Club exceeds $ 10,000 and the children get involved in preparing various tasks for the tournament. A minimum of 70 combined handicaps per foursome is recommended, so participants should be well-schooled in replacing divots, repairing ball marks and yelling fore at the top of their lungs.

For information, call (949) 939-6896 or e-mail [email protected].

Fine Arts for tots

Chabad Jewish Center of Laguna Beach, 30804 S. Coast Hwy.,is hosting “Fab Fine Arts Friday,”, lead by art and language teacher Tracey Belland. Through the workshops, kids ages 2 to 7 enjoy two hours of exploring the great art masters through food, art and books.

Each Friday focuses on a different master of the arts. The month began with Magical Monet, and will also feature Jazzy Jackson Pollock, Powerful Picasso, Marvelous Matisse and will conclude with Wonderful Warhol in upcoming weeks.

Classes run from 10 a.m. to noon. Cost is $20 per child. RSVP to (949) 499-0770. For more information, visit
