
24 hours for cancer

Survivors, families and community members can remember and fight back against cancer at the Huntington Beach Relay for Life on May 15.

Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event.

Teams of participants take turns walking around a track for 24 hours straight to raise money for cancer research.

“There are so many diseases out there, but cancer keeps popping up in everyone’s conversations,” said Stephanie Deagle, co-chairwoman of the Huntington Beach event.


Huntington Beach has 20 teams made up of more than 360 participants and has raised more than $50,000 so far.

The city raised $106,000 last year and is trying to match that amount this year, Deagle said.

Residents can pre-register or sign up the day of the event.

The event is from noon May 15 to noon May 16 at Huntington Central Park.

The survivors lap is at 12:30 p.m., and at 9 p.m. is the Luminere’s ceremony, where people light candles in memory of those who died of cancer and in honor of those who have survived it.

“It’s a time to remember everybody, and it’s a pretty amazing event,” Deagle said.

To sign up, donate or learn more, go to
