
Orange County employees take steps to a healthy heart

(ORANGE, CA) – Orange County employees wore their sneakers to work on April 7 and joined the American Heart Association and Union Bank, N.A., for a heart-healthy group walk on South Main Street in Orange to celebrate the American Heart Association’s National Start! Walking Day.

Start! is the American Heart Association’s groundbreaking national campaign that calls on all Americans and their employers to create a culture of physical activity and health in the workplace. The event was a powerful visual reminder to all Orange County corporate leaders that a healthier workforce is a more engaged and productive workforce, which is the central message of the Start! movement. Each year in Orange County the Start! movement culminates in the Start! Orange County Heart Walk, which will bring together more than 6,000 walkers and will be held on Sunday, September 19, 2010 at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine.

“We are excited about what the Start! movement is doing to promote health and wellness in the workplace, while providing companies throughout Orange County the tools to become healthier places to work,” said Kelly Grose, Executive Director of the American Heart Association’s Orange County Division. “Working with sponsors like Union Bank has been instrumental in raising awareness of the positive benefits of investing in the health of employees.”


Studies indicate that one of the best investments a company can make is in the health of its employees. By promoting a culture of physical activity, Corporate America can decrease healthcare costs, increase productivity, and improve the quality of life and longevity among the U.S. workforce (see specific employer benefits below).

According to Union Bank, Start! cause sponsor in Orange County, investing in the health of employees is the right thing to do – and the smart thing to do.

“Our sponsorship of the Start! campaign has been a tremendous opportunity for Union Bank to show our employees, our customers, and the community that at Union Bank, we are serious about creating a healthy workplace, which benefits everyone,” said Union Bank Senior Vice President and Market President Stuart Bernstein.

Employer Benefits

· Reducing or preventing one health risk increases a person’s productivity and reduces absenteeism, disability, and future health care utilization.[i]

· Investment in employee health is free when improved productivity is factored into total costs.[ii]

· Each $1 invested in worksite health promotion programs inspires average $1-$3.50 savings in health care and absenteeism costs.[iii]

· Employers can save up to $16 for every $1 spent on wellness and health promotion in the workplace.[iv]

· At worksites with physical activity programs, employers have:

- Reduced health care costs by 20 to 55%.

- Reduced short-term sick leave by 6 to 32%.

- Increased productivity by 2 to 52%.[v]

Benefits of Walking

Each year, more than one million Americans will suffer a heart attack, and 700,000 Americans will suffer a stroke. A leading risk factor for both these deadly diseases is physical inactivity. On the other hand, brisk walking for as little as 30 minutes a day can bring heart-healthy benefits and can reduce your chances for stroke, improve cholesterol, and reduce high blood pressure.

In fact, according to a study from the Harvard Medical School, you can gain two hours of life expectancy for every one hour of regular physical exercise. Walking is accessible and convenient, and it’s free! You can do it where and when you want year round – especially in Southern California!

About Start!

Start! is sponsored nationally by SUBWAY®, and locally in Orange County by Union Bank. For more information about the Start! Fit-Friendly Companies Program and how it is helping improve the health of Americans by focusing on an activity that is convenient, free and easy, call (949) 856-3555 or visit

[i] Musich S, McDonald T, Hirschland, D, Edington, DW. Examinations of risk status transitions among active employees in a comprehensive worksite health promotion program. J Occup Environ Med. 2003;45(4):393-399.

[ii] “Leading By Example: Improving the Bottom Line Through a High Performance, Less Costly Workforce.”

[iii] Aldana S. Financial impact of health promotion programs; a comprehensive review of the literature. Am J Health Promotion. 2001;15(5):296-320.

[iv] Highmark Blue cross Blue Shield,, 2005

[v] “Physical Activity Fundamental To Preventing Disease.” June 20, 2002. Office of the Assistant Secretary For Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

