
Pet Of the Week

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Community Animal Network was notified about a very matted 65-pound dog named Ziggy living in the back yard of a vacant house.

I believe that the dog is an Aussie shepherd and golden retriever mix. Lynn, a volunteer who plays with Ziggy, says he is very playful but strong.

The cost of boarding or rescuing back a sick dog from the shelter is not a wise use of donated funds and it could prohibit his rescue.


So, anyone who has a backyard, call (949) 759-3646 to help.

Fashion Island pet adoption events, sponsored by Russo’s Pet Experience, take place from Noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. See photos of animals at

Kitten Naming Contest: “Snowy” is the winning name selected by the Polovina family of Costa Mesa for the Siamese that it adopted last weekend.

Brady’s eye surgery follow-up: The network has now raised $1,420 of the $1,800 needed to help Brady, whose eyelashes are rubbing on his corneas.

If you would like to help Brady, memo your check “Brady’s Eye Surgery” nonprofit tax ID 33-0971560, and mail it to Community Animal Network, P.O. Box 8662 Newport Beach, CA, 92658.

DIANNA PFAFF-MARTIN is the founder of Community Animal Network.
