
Community Commentary:

Well before Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger released his budget in December, it became clear to us at Newport-Mesa Unified School District that cuts were in our future. We’ve watched as districts throughout the county and state have dismantled their schools. In Orange County alone, districts have lost an estimated $800 million collectively from the state since 2007-08.

NMUSD is now in its third year of cuts. In 2007-08, NMUSD’s budget was reduced by $3.1 million; by $8.2 million in 2008-09, and now we are challenged with an incremental $13.5-million cut in 2009-10 due to shortfalls at the state level. Due to statutory deadlines, our district has to take critical steps to balance the budget by mid-March.

Supt. Jeffrey Hubbard and his executive Cabinet have spent several months researching, planning and recommending cuts. Their No. 1 priority has been to “avoid hurting kids.” Discussions at the district took place with community members, teachers, staff and administrators. No recommendation or decision was made without understanding the potential effect on people. However, in NMUSD, where 88% of our $240-million budget is allocated to personnel, reductions in this area are unavoidable.


The 2010-11 budget reductions totaling $13.5 million that were approved Feb. 9 represent cuts throughout the district. In all, 60% of the cuts come from district support services and 40% from site instructional services. While these reductions will put constraints on the district’s operations, NMUSD remains committed to our main priority: maintaining the primary focus on student learning and protecting the integrity of kindergarten through 12th grade instructional programs.

Despite having to make these difficult budget cuts, we are fortunate to have committed staff, parents and students who support our schools and keep moving the district forward. As stalwarts of the district, we will continue to explore fiscally responsible educational programs to meet the needs of our students and maintain the high educational standards that our community has rightfully come to expect.

In times like this, a lot of misinformation is circulated, so visit

KAREN YELSEY is president of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board of education.
