
That’s Debatable

In 1996, voters passed Prop. 215, which legalized the distribution of marijuana for medicinal uses throughout California. However, some cities, including Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, have created ordinances banning medical marijuana dispensaries from their city limits. Would you favor or oppose the idea of such cities within your congressional districts repealing their bans on medical pot dispensaries and taxing marijuana sales as a future source of municipal revenue?

Local communities and states should have jurisdiction over the types of businesses they have in their communities, particularly if state law permits that business. It’s a terrible waste of limited law enforcement resources to prevent individuals who have a legitimate prescription from a doctor for medicinal use of marijuana to be prevented from doing so.

U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

(R-Huntington Beach)

I supported Prop. 215 and still support the legal use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. That being said, local jurisdictions (cities and counties) have the right to use zoning regulations to limit the location of many legally permitted uses of property, including marijuana dispensaries. This is not unlike what is routinely done with the sale of fireworks, for example.


U.S. Rep. John Campbell

(R-Newport Beach)
