
Valentine for the Earth

Anna Krajec and friend Donna LeClair are continuing their mission to inspire and educate the community to live “green” and with love for the Earth.

The duo will host the second annual “Green Valentine” festival-fundraiser Feb. 12 to 14 at the Neighborhood Congregational Church.

The event will feature Pachamama (goddess whose name translates as “Mother Earth”), live music by local artists Jason Feddy and Kurt Mahoney, a series of inspirational films, massages and energy workshops, decorations by Laguna Nursery, and much more, organizers say.


“This event isn’t just about the environment, but focuses on spiritual and social consciousness as well,” Krajec said. “It’s about shifting our thinking and the way we treat not only the Earth, but other beings and ourselves.”

Krajec’s inspiration for the event stemmed from the recent loss of her 3-year-old son, Christofer, who suffered from an inoperable brain tumor, and the love and support the community showed her family.

“This community really carried us through that difficult time, and I wanted to give something back,” she said.

It is Krajec’s belief, she said, that Christofer’s brain tumor was caused in part by pollution, the food we eat and the world in which we live.

“Just after we lost our son, I attended Pachamama’s Awaken the Dreamer symposium, where I was deeply touched by something Julia Butterfly said: ‘When we throw something away, where is away? There is no away.’ Right then I knew that what I wanted to give back to the other children and people of this community was to help them live healthier lives,” she said.

Proceeds from the event will be divided among Joy Ministries, Peru Earthquake Relief and to launching a Healing Christofer website, where Krajec will share information she hopes will help other people who have children suffering from cancer and tumors.

The festival will kick off at 5 p.m. Feb. 12 with green cocktails, appetizers and a silent auction, followed at 6:30 p.m. by a special dinner and “Awaken the Dreamer” symposium with Pachamama.

Available between 10 a.m. and 11 p.m. Feb. 13 will be music, food and drinks, environmental films and speakers, vendors and “Birdsong and the Eco Wonders” for children.

Between 1:30 and 6:30 p.m. Feb. 14, blessings will be exchanged through ceremony rituals led by Linda Crow and Michele Anderson, chanting with Enchanters, Naam Yoga, Reiki drumming, dancing and guided meditation.

The festival will close with a drumming circle.

If You Go

What: Green Valentine

Where: Neighborhood Congregational Church, 340 St. Ann’s Drive

When: Feb. 12 to 14

Info: Weekend pass is $25 and must be bought at by Sunday; weekend passes will not be sold at the door. Certain activities are $5 each and can be bought at the festival. A full schedule can also be viewed on the website.

What: Green Valentine

Where: Neighborhood Congregational Church, 340 St. Ann’s Drive

When: Feb. 12 to 14

Info: Weekend pass is $25 and must be bought at by Sunday; weekend passes will not be sold at the door. Certain activities are $5 each and can be bought at the festival. A full schedule can also be viewed on the website.
