

In no way does this city ordinance unfairly target day laborers (“Police sweep spurs lawsuit,” Feb. 3).

First, if you are here illegally, you don’t have rights that Americans have fought for because residing and working in the United States illegally is illegal, and you are no longer protected by the 1st Amendment. To say that they are is just preposterous.

Second, the argument about sign holders — i.e. schoolchildren holding car wash signs, raising money for school, or business sign twirlers — really has nothing to do with this because they have been given the consent of the property owner, so they are allowed to be there.


Lastly, they are essentially taking jobs from hard workers who are here legally and get decent pay.

I wish more government officials would take a step up and do the right thing like the Costa Mesa Police Department. If they would, there would be so much less stress on California. If you are here illegally, you should be deported. If you want to be here, do it the right way.

Tim Roach

Costa Mesa

Lawsuit purpose is not about speech

The purpose and cause of action must be the same. In other words, the purpose or desired results cannot be for ulterior motives not related to the cause of action or basic claim.

The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California filed a federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana that challenges Costa Mesa’s ordinance as “unconstitutional” and as a “violation of free speech.” (“Police sweep spurs lawsuit,” Feb. 3)

The specific purpose or desired results of the cause of action is to allow Mexicans (Latinos) to use public property or private property to conduct business on a daily basis without permits, license or permission of private property owners. The general purpose of all like claims is to continue to create a special class of citizen or non-citizen Latinos (Mexicans) that creates special rights and privileges others do not have. That is, to create a non-law enforcement for illegal public demonstrations under the guise of human rights. The real purpose, special treatment for selected individuals, is disguised as a free speech issue. This legal action by the ACLU and MALDEF is frivolous and without merit at best and a malicious legal action at worst. And, it should be treated as such!

August Lightfoot

Newport Beach
