
Meet man running one marathon a day

Anyone who has ever wondered what kind of person would voluntarily run a marathon a day for four months can meet Patrick McGlade on Saturday.

The 21-year-old is going to run a marathon every day as he traverses from Huntington Beach to Georgia, a 2,400-mile trip, to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation.

“It’s going to be difficult,” McGlade said in a phone interview from his home state of Virginia.


McGlade wants people to know arthritis affects more than just the elderly. He learned that first-hand. His cousin and a family friend were diagnosed with a juvenile form.

His goal is to raise $50,000 for the foundation and enough money to cover the cost of his trip, which he estimates will be about $8,000 for food and equipment — he is going to need six pairs of shoes for the journey. He has raised a little more than $7,000 so far.

McGlade is starting his run across America at 9 a.m. at Bella Terra near the movie theater. To find out more about his journey or donate, go to

— Britney Barnes
