

I read with amusement the religious leaders responding to your question about whether they would recommend reading Darwin’s book (“In Theory,” Saturday).

All of them believe that at least in some way God created man, when Darwin proved that man in fact is descended from other life forms.

Scarcely a serious scientist can be found who does not believe in Darwinism, Pastor Ric Olsen’s references notwithstanding. You would have thought the Scopes trial settled all these arguments decades ago, but apparently not.


Religion is based on blind faith and has nothing to do with science, reason or logic. Religious people cannot expect reasonable people to believe in God and religion when they so disingenuously disregard established scientific facts.

David Pearson

Costa Mesa

Unions, politicians trade back scratches

Yes, it’s time to “reconsider employee contribution levels” [in regard] to the grotesque retirement benefits city employees are paying to city employees.

That is, paying to themselves (“Retirees make over $100K,” Dec. 3). Of course they aren’t getting Social Security in retirement — that’s because, unlike the rest of us, they never paid into the Social Security plan.

Comparatively speaking, this city does not have crime and does not have fires; reading the Daily Pilot “Police Files” report could make you imagine we lived in Mayberry R.F.D. I don’t think we’ll have any problem finding willing candidates for those city jobs, so don’t worry about our “competitive” disadvantage.

It’s true here as it’s true throughout the country — government officials support public unions because public unions support government officials.

This incestuous relationship goes unchecked because there is no market to test its efficiency.

Yes, it is time to reconsider this disgrace.

Richard S. Taylor

Newport Beach
