
Dog Blog: A dog’s work in tough economic times

From a dog’s mouth:

My Papa, Tommy, decided I needed a job or a hobby, as I was consuming too much food and not holding my own in the household in these tough economic times.

He decided I should have a lemonade stand. He worked all weekend to build it.

I am looking at it thinking, “I hope I only have to spend an hour at this thing.” If I look pitiful enough I will be out of here soon with plenty of dog food money.

Being a pet is a job.

We tried Frisbee catching, but with 3-inch (I am part Winnie dog) legs, jumping is a challenge.


I did have napping nailed down.

Then we tried cat chasing. I was afraid of the cats.

I could stand down the street and make a lot of barking noises, but most of the cats just looked at me with that, “What are you thinking, you’re on a leash” look.

So after this busy day of training, I finally could go home and catch a nap. My thought is, “Enough with this job business.”

My owners, or should I say, family, always feed me before they feed themselves.

I get to go on regular walks to do my duty. After all, they get to do it any time they want; I have to wait for walks. I get to go to the vet on a regular basis (not a great experience), but I get very uncomfortable good care.

My parents argue about minor things; they make a lot of noise, but now they whisper their battles because of my very sensitive ears.

Mom tells Papa (when it gets bad) to go outside and kick a rock. For me, I get to walk.

PEGI LOPEZ lives in Laguna Beach with her dog, Spot.
