
Contest asks for kids’ beach discoveries

Whether it’s in a story, poem or picture, the Children’s Library wants to know what would make an amazing beach discovery.

The “An Amazing Beach Discovery” writing and illustration contest, sponsored by the Friends of the Children’s Library and the Sand Scribes Children’s Writing Group, is asking kids to put their imagination to use.

“To start, I tell them to imagine that they’ve gone down to the beach . . . and all of a sudden, they find something, something amazing,” said Mary-Pat Gonzalez, senior librarian in the children’s department.


The contest asks students what they might find on the shores of Huntington Beach and what it might mean. Students can submit a story, poem, letter or essay, an illustration, or both. The writing portion can be 700 words maximum, and any medium is acceptable for the illustration, but it must be on letter-sized paper.

The contest is open to preschool to eighth-grade students. Winners will receive a Barnes & Noble gift card at a special ceremony during the library’s Author’s Festival in January. Ribbons and certificates will also be given out. Entries must be turned in by 4 p.m. Dec. 12.

— Britney Barnes
