
Sounding Off:

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What happens to the fairgrounds could be a deciding factor in the fate of our nation.

Do the people own the fairgrounds? Or does a phony entity that calls itself the state own the fairgrounds?

America is rushing toward her day of doom. She has played the arrogant dictator, bringing fear to the world instead of mercy and justice. Out of the ashes of her doom, will there rise a new nation with liberty and justice for all? Or will we be worse off than a Third World country? Will apathetic America awaken too late or will what happens here with the fairgrounds be a wake-up call for all?

Now, keep in mind: All government employees are hired help. We pay their salaries and we should have the right to fire them if they do not do their job, or if they interfere with our welfare — especially if they interfere with our God-given business.


Work is a four-letter word for any government employee, as they live off the blood of the working class of the nation they govern.

Our nation through its arrogance and deceit has become a nation with the tail ruling the head. So we all take orders from people who get their know-how from what is under the tail.

The fairgrounds is a place where the working class has a place to sell its wares. It provides the means of keeping food on the table and a roof over the heads of many families who are willing to work for a living. It belongs to the people, not the worthless government.

If the reason for selling the fairgrounds is the need for more homes, let the people live in the many that are empty due to foreclosures.

If money is needed let us sell the piece of property (City Hall) we are standing on today where thousands of foolish dollars were spent to earthquake proof it.

Let us talk about just one segment of wasted money in Costa Mesa alone. The rulers, with no concern for the people’s needs nor common sense or frugality, build an expensive bridge with no water running under it nor a purpose for it. They take a beautiful natural park where the kids played, the wild animals had their young and the owls and meadowlarks made their home and they root it up, pull up all the wildflowers and natural bamboo and spend money to the tune of $9 million to make it what the city morons call “natural.” I have seen trees planted, let die and replanted that only a government out of control can afford.

Let us downsize our way of life by firing 99% of the city employees. Or better, make it 100%. The payroll for the city employees for a year is $80 million. This is money that could be used to better our schools and provide programs and parks for our children. Start vocational schools once again. And trying to find out the total amount spent for salaries for the state is virtually impossible.

Let the fairground live. Let all enemies of our nation die and let us bring common sense and fair play back into our nation. In closing, let me quote from Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer and a government employee.

“I often think that if ever a country is destroyed it will be because of people wanting jobs with the government, people wanting to live without work, a terrible fault.”

MARIE KOLASINSKI is a resident of Costa Mesa.
