
Sounding Off: Real debate needed about flu vaccine

I was disappointed at the somewhat misleading headline to your Oct. 2 front-page article “Doctors debate H1N1 vaccine.”

There were omissions in the article to some pertinent facts, and the article seemed to indicate a debate took place. I as a concerned parent and citizen was concerned about the lies in the media and the government’s involvement in setting the stage for “scaring the public” into vaccinations.

The local Public Health Department is issuing protocols of action to schools regarding the swine flu. I know for a fact they are also promoting vaccinations on school sites, though this has not happened in Laguna yet.


They are doing this in other schools as you read this letter. Please see spoon-fed CDC propaganda: “County public officials are coordinating with hospitals doctor’s offices and schools to ensure that high priority groups such as medical workers and pregnant women, receive the vaccination as quickly as possible.” (Orange County Register, Oct. 4, “Swine flu escalates.”)

This is why I wanted to do a pre-emptive warning to the school board about this action in Laguna and educate them to the truth of the very real harm of vaccinations. I am very proud to say the board was very polite as was the PTA when Dr. Horowitz and I attended their meetings to share our concerns on this controversial subject. I want to thank them for their open-mindedness about our action.

They assured us no decision to vaccinate on school property has been made. Rest assured, my fellow Lagunans, I will organize vociferous protests if this is attempted.

The serious misrepresentation to which I refer is the article’s headline, which implies there was a debate. This is entirely inaccurate as the two doctors who made irresponsible statements in your article were contacted after the school board meeting.

They were not present at the meeting and were quoted after how many calls your reporter made to find an opposing view? [Dr.] Thomas Bent of the Laguna Beach [Community] Clinic is ignorant to the fact that you can get the flu from the vaccine.

He is also mistaken when he says, “In my studies, I’ve found that that the mercury levels in multidose vaccines are the same as in a tuna sandwich, so if you’ve had the ahi sandwich you’re equally at risk.”

He does not know that ethyl mercury is the substance used in thirmersol; methyl mercury is the what you would eat [in an] ahi sandwich.

I would love to see a real debate sponsored by your paper or by anyone else for that matter. I will bring in my experts who will include former FDA officials, Horowitz and others, who will provide real evidence and studies, not fear based rhetoric. I suggest you invite Dr. Bent, Dr. Sheidayi, any public health official or even Katherine Sebelious of the Centers for Disease Control.

My team is ready and willing wherever or whenever you like. Please be sure this is a public event with open questions by the public to be answered by both sides.

Oh, how I hope to see a response to this debate offer in the form of accepting this debate challenge and not another ignorant rehashing of these doctors’ ignorant opinions on your editorial page. Perhaps some organization can offer to help in the public interest and prevent tremendous damage to the health of our fine citizens.

ROBERT LYNE POTTER lives in Laguna Beach.
