
Make ‘In God We Trust’ undivisive

While Costa Mesa is a patriotic town, it’s also a “don’t tread on me” kind of town.

We have patriots who are Christians, and we have patriots who are not. It would be divisive for this community of live and let live residents if a city-sponsored motto appears to be promoting religion.

If the motto is to be displayed in City Hall, Costa Mesa should follow the city of Bakersfield’s lead and signal in no uncertain terms that the intent is to encourage national patriotism, not religious evangelism.

Bakersfield is where the motto idea began. According to her web site,, Councilwoman Jacquie Sullivan proposed the concept, “which embodied the spirit of patriotism.” The Bakersfield City Council adopted it in 2002 with significant additions.


To emphasize their stated intent, the council wisely took three additional steps:

1. It put quotes around the motto to “signify that the phrase was the national motto and not an entanglement with nor a promoting of a religious activity”;

2. It added the other national motto “E Pluribus Unum” at the bottom of its city seal; and

3. It put a display of “historical documents” on a wall, which, along with the two mottoes, was to “provide and encourage a spirit of national patriotism within the community.”

Bakersfield’s council felt it was very important to frame its actions as attempting to “encourage national patriotism” in order to minimize the appearance of the motto as a religious promotion.

To minimize divisiveness, it is important for Costa Mesa’s council to go the same trouble.


Costa Mesa

In God’s eyes, all are worthy of assistance

How shameful that the Costa Mesa City Council considered turning down $560,000 in homeless aid because a small portion of it may go to some families that they don’t like (“Housing grant is accepted,” Tuesday).

It’s always amazing to hear that the council discriminates among people, all of whom are worthy in God’s sight. I mention this because some on the council like to proclaim Him frequently.

I once was involved with the two agencies selected, providing many of the same services this grant can make possible. I have seen amazing results from giving individuals and families a “kick-start.” These results went far beyond just keeping people off of the streets.


Costa Mesa
