
That’s Debatable

Presidents have addressed America’s students in the past. What I find interesting in the debate over President Obama’s address is that Democrats were harshly critical of President George H. W. Bush for his speech to students in 1991.

This is ironic, because it is Democrats today who used the elder President Bush’s speech as a justification for President Obama’s speech. In fact, the then-House Majority Leader, Dick Gephardt, said of Bush (41), “The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president . . . ”

That said, President Obama’s speech appeared to be a fairly benign pep talk.

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore

(R-Newport Beach)

President Obama gave an inspiring speech last Tuesday. I particularly enjoyed the emphasis on each student’s responsibility and the opportunity an education can provide.


We need more students striving to be an “innovator or an inventor” or develop “the next iPhone or a new medicine or vaccine.”

I am skeptical that having the government-run health care, banking and the auto companies will result in more inventions or innovations, but nevertheless, the message to students was positive.

Whether a district aired the speech live or taped it to show in a history or government class, parents should have the final say on what their kids see in school.

Assemblyman Van Tran

(R-Costa Mesa)
