
Briefly In Religion

Church celebrates Labor Day

The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will celebrate Labor Day at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, with words and music, emphasizing the role of women in the labor movement.

DeAnn McEwen will speak about the California Nurses Assn. McEwen serves on the board of directors for the California Nurses Assn./National Nurses Organizing Committee.

The service is at the fellowship, 429 Cypress Drive, and is followed by a sandwich lunch with opportunity for further discussion with McEwen.


Scholar explores Darwin’s impact

Laguna Presbyterian Church invites the community to an evening lecture at 7 p.m. Sept. 13, marking the 200th anniversary year of the birth of Charles Darwin.

Nate Feldmeth, professor of church history at Fuller Theological Seminary, will explore complex issues raised in the relationship between science and faith.

The community is welcome to join at 415 Forest Ave. For more information, call (949) 494-7555.
