
Coach is given standing ovation

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With the shorter players jumping up and down to get a look at their coach’s face, about 30 members past and present of the Newport Beach Bat Rays gave the youth club baseball team’s founder Duane Hastings a standing ovation on Tuesday night at the Newport Beach City Council meeting.

A proclamation from Newport Beach Mayor Ed Selich recognizing Hasting’s contribution to the city was a surprise for the coach, who turned to his wife, Mary Pat Hastings and said, “I don’t know how we’re going to get to the movie tonight,” as he walked into the Council Chambers.

Hastings founded the Bat Rays baseball team in 2004 with hopes of fostering a love of baseball in local boys and preparing them for high school athletics.


“To see all the kids I’ve been able to coach through all the years like this is very special to me,” Hastings said, “It’s a pleasure for me to spend the time with these kids. They’re good baseball players, but they’re great kids. I’m excited to see what happens over the next 10 or 20 years and what they’ll do for our community.”

More than 160 local children have participated in the league so far, and Hastings has raised more than $20,000 for scholarships and improvements to East Bluff Park, where the team practices.

“Duane is a great coach because he never gets mad at you if you make a mistake; he just shows you how to do it better the next time,” said 12-year-old Christian Munson, who showed up to cheer Hastings on Tuesday night.

Christian has spent three years playing with the Bat Rays.

Wearing the team’s blue jerseys, several former Bat Rays players showed up to thank their old coach.

“He’s put in a lot of work to keep all of us interested in baseball,” said 15-year-old Ryan Banning, who played with the Bat Rays from the time he was 12 to age 14.

Next week, the Bat Rays are sending 28 players from two teams to the Cooperstown Dreams Park youth baseball tournament in Cooperstown, N.Y.
