
Senior Notes

Friday Mah Jongg lessons offered

Lessons for this Chinese tile game will be offered at the Susi Q from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. July 24 through Aug. 29

The cost is $35 for the entire series.

To sign up, call (949) 497-2441.

Knitting class begins from Knots-of-Love

A knitting class taught by Dona Harman of Strands and Stitches for the Knots-of-Love Organization will take place at the Susi Q Senior Center from 1:30 to 3 p.m. today, July 24 and 31.

Knots-of-Love donates caps free of charge to people who are battling cancer or other life threatening illnesses or injuries. The class is limited to six. Cost is $22 which includes registration fee and all materials. To sign up, those interested may call (949) 497-2441.

