
More citations are sought for violators

Costa Mesa’s City Council and Planning Commission hashed out some differences of opinion Tuesday on how to keep the city’s streets clean.

Planning Commission Chairman Jim Righeimer said he was tired of seeing cars on front lawns, people living in garages, and other egregious code violations. He urged code enforcement officers to issue more citations with fines.

Some members of each body at the joint study session said harsher enforcement might cause hardships for those who violate the laws out of ignorance and who might change their ways if they were told they were doing something illegal.


“People figure it out pretty fast when they have to write a check for it,” Righeimer said.

Commissioner Steve Mensinger agreed. As an executive for a local property owner, he found that the city has a lax reputation regarding enforcement of its property maintenance laws.

Councilwoman Katrina Foley said she was not in favor of “sweeps,” in which officers patrol neighborhoods to find violations and fine violators.

— Alan Blank
