
Four Tips To Choosing The Right Pilates Instructor

NEWPORT BEACH, CA -- With Pilates becoming more and more popular among men and women of all ages, Susan Tobiessen, the owner of Body Design, the women’s athletic and wellness center in Newport Beach, is offering tips on how choose the right Pilates instructor.

To get the most out of your Pilates workout and not get hurt, look for the following:

1. Make sure your instructor is certified from a credible school. With weekend Pilates certification programs popping up, make sure your instructor has completed the certification process from a reputable program. Since there is no nationally recognized certification process for Pilates at this time, your best bet to finding a qualified instructor in your area is to contact The Pilates Method Alliance (

2. Look for an instructor with higher education or continuing education. The Pilates Method is a knowledge-based exercise program, where the more your instructor knows the better qualified they become. In addition to having completed the certification process, choose an instructor that has a degree in Kinesiology, Physical Therapy or Athletic Training or is continuing their education in Pilates with updated workshops and seminars.


3. Keep your mother’s words in mind -- Background is important. Different trainers bring different backgrounds to your work out. If you are nursing an injury, pick someone with a physical therapy background. If your goal is to have long, lean muscles, choose someone with more of a dance emphasis. If you are looking to improve your golf or tennis game, someone with a sports background who really understands the mechanics can help you improve.

4. Schedule the right time of day. It seems simple, but scheduling is one of the biggest mistakes people make. For example, if you are a morning person, make sure your instructor is too. Your instructor needs to be on their game so you can be on top of yours.

Body Design has been concentrating on personalized attention for over 15 years. It is located in the penthouse suite of the landmark Edwards Theaters above the Stadium Theaters at 210 Newport Center Drive, Suite 3 in Newport Beach. Body Design can be contacted by calling (949) 719-2600 or e-mailing [email protected]. For more information visit

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